Ebrahim Elfakhri
Ebrahim Elfakhri
Titel of Work:
- Teaching staff: one of the teaching staff in orthopaedic department in faculty of medicine- Omer Almokhtar University.2006-2008. faculty of medicine-Tobruk University since 2015.
- Head of Board of Medical specialities in Tobruk Medical Center. since 2017.
- Head of Ortopaedics and Trauma department in Tobruk Medical center since 2016.
- Examiner and member of the examination committee in Libyan Board.
- 16th Annual meeting of the Lebanese orthopaedic Society; October 3-5 .2019
- Revision Arthroplasty Course Smith &Nephew Berlin 2014
- AO Master Course: pelvis and acetabulum fractures, 11 Homburger Pelvic Course 13-15 2012, Homburg-Germany.
- DachExpertenmeeting ,Controversies in knee arthroplasty Topics discussion at the highest level: 9-10 October 2011, Lucerne Switzerland.
- Wright Medical Advance: Medial pivot knee (celebrating 10 years of clinical implantation) 8th-9th June 2008, Barcelona- Spain.
- A.O Course: principle in operative fracture management, June 23-26, 2008 Tripoli-Libya.
- A.O Regional Course: Advance in operative fracture management, August 29- September 1, 2007. Dubai, UAE.
- 2nd Medical Conference, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University, Feb 2007.
- III GIORNATA DI LIVE SURGERY, Artroprotesi di ginocchio: tecnica mininvasiva April 30 2005, Mercato San Severino, Italy.
- Tripoli Sport Injuries Course, Nov 26 2005.
- 1st Medical Conference, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University Feb 25 2005.

- The Libyan Orthopaedic Association 12th conference, Dec 7 – 2004.
- A.O seminar july2003 (internal fixation of fractures) Benghazi, Libya.
- Ilizarov Course( external fixation of fractures and correction of deformities.) teachers from Naples university (Italy)August 2003.
- Course on Wound Healing, Tripoli 17 October 2002.
- 3rd Conference of the Pan Africa Association of Plastic Surgery, Oct 18 2002.
- 6th International Conference on Burns and Fire Disaster, 2002
- Epidemiology, medical statistics course organised by WHO, Benghazi, Libya, January 1999
Ebrahim Elfakhri

Titel of Work:
- Teaching staff: one of the teaching staff in orthopaedic department in faculty of medicine- Omer Almokhtar University.2006-2008. faculty of medicine-Tobruk University since 2015.
- Head of Board of Medical specialities in Tobruk Medical Center. since 2017.
- Head of Ortopaedics and Trauma department in Tobruk Medical center since 2016.
- Examiner and member of the examination committee in Libyan Board.
- 16th Annual meeting of the Lebanese orthopaedic Society; October 3-5 .2019
- Revision Arthroplasty Course Smith &Nephew Berlin 2014
- AO Master Course: pelvis and acetabulum fractures, 11 Homburger Pelvic Course 13-15 2012, Homburg-Germany.
- DachExpertenmeeting ,Controversies in knee arthroplasty Topics discussion at the highest level: 9-10 October 2011, Lucerne Switzerland.
- Wright Medical Advance: Medial pivot knee (celebrating 10 years of clinical implantation) 8th-9th June 2008, Barcelona- Spain.
- A.O Course: principle in operative fracture management, June 23-26, 2008 Tripoli-Libya.
- A.O Regional Course: Advance in operative fracture management, August 29- September 1, 2007. Dubai, UAE.
- 2nd Medical Conference, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University, Feb 2007.
- III GIORNATA DI LIVE SURGERY, Artroprotesi di ginocchio: tecnica mininvasiva April 30 2005, Mercato San Severino, Italy.
- Tripoli Sport Injuries Course, Nov 26 2005.
- 1st Medical Conference, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University Feb 25 2005.
- The Libyan Orthopaedic Association 12th conference, Dec 7 – 2004.
- A.O seminar july2003 (internal fixation of fractures) Benghazi, Libya.
- Ilizarov Course( external fixation of fractures and correction of deformities.) teachers from Naples university (Italy)August 2003.
- Course on Wound Healing, Tripoli 17 October 2002.
- 3rd Conference of the Pan Africa Association of Plastic Surgery, Oct 18 2002.
- 6th International Conference on Burns and Fire Disaster, 2002
- Epidemiology, medical statistics course organised by WHO, Benghazi, Libya, January 1999

- Tripol Libya - Alfrenaj Street
- +218912508687